Wilmington Terminal Railroad, Limited Partnership

WTRY_logo.jpg2128 Burnett Blvd.
Wilmington, NC 28401
Phone: 910-343-0461
Contact: John Grant, Trainmaster
Phone: 910-515-8288

Email: john.grant@gwrr.com
Other Contact: Kyle Hansley, Assistant General Manager
Phone: (912) 293-0189
E-mail: kyle.hansley@gwrr.com

Other contacts: Su Son, General Manager
Phone: 252-301-0508
Email: sson@gwrr.com

Other Contact: Donnie Mason, Director of Sales & Marketing
Email: donnie.mason@gwrr.com

The WTRY operates within the Port City of Wilmington, serving shippers on the Southeast Bank of the Cape Fear River in New Hanover County. The WTRY was incorporated in 1986 to lease and operate the rail lines owned by the North Carolina Ports Railway Commission in Wilmington, NC.

The Wilmington Terminal Railroad is owned by Rail Link , Inc. a subsidiary of Genesee & Wyoming Inc.

Commodities carried by the WTRY are paper, steel, chemicals, lumber, liquid asphalt, urea, and miscellaneous equipment.

Principal shippers are North Carolina State Ports , Vopak, Colonial Oil, Flint Hills Resources, Cape Fear Bonded Warehouse, Rescar, and Carolina Marine Terminals. 

Miles of Track: Main Line 4, Port Track 14
Employees: 11,000 Carloads yearly
Equipment: 3 Locomotives
