Rail Training & Consulting / RailSoft Systems

RailSoft_system_logo.jpgPO Box 1134
Maudlin, SC 29662
Phone: 864-501-0808
Fax: 864-538-4154
Contact: Sarah Lynne Howie, Director of Operations
Email: slhowie@poweredbyRTC.com
Website: www.poweredbyRTC.com

Other Contact: Tom Howie
Phone: 864-366-8132
Email: thowie@poweredbyRTC.com


Rail Training & Consulting (RTC) and RailSoft Systems provide operations and safety training and conpliance tracking via on-site consulting, as well as three software applications.


RTC specializes in rail safety and operating procedures training for short line and plant rail operations.  We take a comprehensive approach to our client's compliance and safety by thoroughly reviewing policies and procedures to ensure they are in line with FRA and other required regulations.

RTC has recently developed LogicTrac CBT to enhance our on-site services with computer based training.  Logitrac CBT has emerged as an industry leading vehicle to successfully centrally manage your company policy and procedure manuals, in order to train supervisors, employees, and contractors on the critical and time sensitive information needed to standardize, maximize and monitor job performance.

RailSoft Systems constists of two products- InfoRail and TrackAccess.  InfoRail, used by 75% of the short line industry, is a FRA and human resources compliance suite.  TrackAccess is virtual track permission software similar to Track Warrant or DTC block operation.  Track Access can make any track 'control track' and thus provides for operational safety by only allowing one entity to occupy the track.  TrackAccess is one of the safest systems available for track control of its kind.  Risk assessment based on fault tree analysis indicates that TrackAccess can provide a substantial safety improvement over conventional manual dark territory control methods.  TrackAccess is safe because it is simple and direct.